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2.5.3. Query String parameters

[!NOTE] Query parameters are similar to /sales invoice.

docTimeDate and time of document creation, format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss(if passed, the system checks the uniqueness by the totality of fields: docTime + docNumber + amount; if such a document has already been fiscalized, then reprinting is performed without fiscalization) (optional)String
docNumberDocument number in the accounting systemString
wsNameNumber of the cash register to be printed on the check (optional)String
departmentNameStore name to be printed on the receipt (optional)String
departmentCodePoint of sale code with multimerchant system (optional)String
employeeNameStcashier's full nameString
amountDocument amount in kopecksString
currencyCurrency nameString
items: [{…}]List of goods/services on the invoiceArray
payments: [{…}]Payment blockArray
extraPayments: [{…}]Additional payment types arrayArray
fiscalIDFiscal code of the document if the document was fiscalized (for reprint)String
printFooterArbitrary lines to print at the end of the receipt (optional)String
creditContractCredit agreement number (required when paying on credit)String
prepayDocIDFiscal prepayment check code (mandatory when using prepayment)String
prepayDocNumPrepay check number (optional)String
clientPhoneClient phone number (optional)String
clientNameClient name (optional)String
tipsTip amount in kopecks (optional)Integer
cashbackcashback amount in kopecks (optional)Integer
skipReceiptPrintDo not print terminal receipts when paying by card (optional)Boolean

items {…} Array

itemIdProduct/Service code in the accounting systemString
itemCodeTypeType of Product/Service code in the accounting system (optional)
itemNameProduct/Service nameString
itemAttrExt. Attributes by position (1 - prepaid service) (optional)Integer
itemQRCodeQR code product identification systems (optional)Integer
itemCodeExternal code, classification (optional)
itemUnitCodeExternal packaging code (optional)
itemUnitUnit of measure (optional)
itemBarcodeItem barcod (optional)
itemAmountAmount to be paid in kopecksInteger
discountDiscount amount in kopecks (optional)Integer
discountPrcdiscount percentage (optional)Numeric
extraDataAdditional data, purpose depends on OFD (optional)String
textToPrintArbitrary text that will be printed after this position on the receiptString
itemTaxes:[{…}]List of taxes by itemArray
itemMarginSumThe amount of the margin part in kopecks that is taxable in accordance with the percentage of taxation, while part cost price is not taxed (optional)Integer
itemMarginPriceMargin price (optional)

itemTaxes {…} Array

taxNameTax nameString
fullNameThe full name of the tax (including the percentage), (optional). By default, the receipt will print taxName + taxPrcString
taxCodeTax symbol (if used) (optional)String
taxPrcTax percentage*100Integer
calcTypeTax calculation type, possible values: 1 – including, 2 - fixed (excise amount*number of goods), 3 - simplified (percentage of the sale amount), Default value - 1Integer

payments {…} Array

cashAmountCash payment amount in kopecksInteger
cashlessAmountThe amount of payment without cash in kopecksInteger
creditAmountCredit amount in kopecksInteger
bonusesAmountBonus payment amount in kopecksInteger
prepaymentAmountPrepayment amount in kopecksInteger
prepaymentCashlessAmountCashless prepayment amount in kopecks (optional)Integer
installmentAmountInstallment amount in kopecksInteger
invoiceAmountThe amount of non-cash payment without contacting the payment application in kopecksInteger
rrnTransaction number when paying by credit cardString
cardNumberNumber of the card used to make the paymentString

[!NOTE] If the system for calculating sales taxes is not used, then the itemMarginPrice and itemMarginSum parameters do not need to be passed (or null values should be passed).

extraPayments {…} Array

codePayment type codeString
amountPayment amount in kopecksInteger
"docTime": "string, document creation date and time, format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss (optional, if provided, the system performs uniqueness control based on the combination of fields: docTime+docNumber+amount; if such a document has already been fiscalized, reprinting is done without fiscalization)",
"docNumber": "string, document number in the accounting system",
"wsName": "string, cash register number for printing on the receipt, optional parameter",
"departmentName": "string, store name for printing on the receipt, optional parameter",
"departmentCode": "string, point of sale code in a multi-merchant system, optional parameter",
"employeeName": "string, cashier's full name",
"amount": "integer, document amount in kopecks",
"currency": "string, currency name",
"items": "list of items/services on the bill",
"itemId": "string, item/service code in the accounting system",
"itemCodeType": "item/service code type in the accounting system, optional parameter",
"itemName": "string, item/service name",
"itemAttr": "integer, additional attributes for the item (1 – prepayment service), optional",
"itemQRCode": "QR code for item identification system, optional parameter",
"itemCode": "external code, classification code, optional parameter",
"itemUnitCode": "external packaging code, optional parameter",
"itemUnit": "unit of measurement, optional parameter",
"itemBarcode": "item barcode, optional parameter",
"itemQty": "integer, quantity*1000",
"itemAmount": "integer, amount to be paid in kopecks",
"discount": "integer, discount amount in kopecks, optional parameter",
"discountPrc": "numeric, discount percentage, optional parameter",
"extraData": "string, additional data, purpose depends on the OFD, optional parameter",
"textToPrint": "string, arbitrary text to be printed after this item on the receipt",
"itemTaxes": "list of taxes per item",
"taxName": "string, tax name",
"fullName": "string, full tax name (including percentage), optional, by default taxName + taxPrc will be printed on the receipt",
"taxCode": "tax symbol (if used), optional parameter",
"taxPrc": "integer, tax percentage*100",
"calcType": "integer, tax calculation type, possible values: 1 – inclusive, 2 – fixed (excise amount*quantity of goods), 3 – simplified (percentage of sales amount), default value - 1"
"itemMarginSum": "integer, marginal part amount in kopecks, subject to taxation according to the tax rate, with part of the cost price not subject to tax, optional parameter",
"itemMarginPrice": "marginal part price, optional parameter"
"payments": { //payment block,
"cashAmount": "integer, cash payment amount in kopecks",
"cashlessAmount": "integer, cashless payment amount in kopecks",
"creditAmount": "integer, credit amount in kopecks",
"bonusesAmount": "integer, bonus payment amount in kopecks",
"prepaymentAmount": "integer, prepayment amount in kopecks",
"prepaymentCashlessAmount": "integer, prepayment from non-cash funds amount in kopecks, optional",
"installmentAmount": "integer, installment payment amount in kopecks",
"invoiceAmount": "integer, payment amount without using a payment application in kopecks",
"rrn": "string, transaction number for credit card payment",
"cardNumber": "string, card number used for payment"
"extraPayments": [ //array of additional payment types
"code": "string, payment type code",
"amount": "integer, payment amount in kopecks"
"fiscalID": "string, fiscal document code, if the document has been fiscalized (for reprinting)",
"printFooter": "string, arbitrary lines to print at the end of the receipt (optional)",
"creditContract": "string, credit agreement number (mandatory for credit payment)",
"prepayDocID": "string, fiscal code of the prepayment receipt (mandatory when using prepayment)",
"prepayDocNum": "string, prepayment receipt number (optional)",
"clientPhone": "string, client's phone number (optional)",
"clientName": "string, client's name (optional)",
"tips": "integer, tips amount in kopecks (optional)",
"cashback": "integer, cashback amount in kopecks (optional)",
"skipReceiptPrint": "boolean, do not print terminal receipts when paying by card (optional)"